Wednesday, March 7, 2012

NPR: Fukushima Anniversary Discussions

Monday's On Point was a very interesting discussion. There is a real possibility that Japan will mothball all of its nuclear power because the risk the industry poses to all of Japan had been previously underestimated. Download audio.

Likewise, last Tuesday's Fresh Air. Download audio. This is an interview with Dan Edge, the producer of a Frontline documentary about the disaster.


  1. I didn't get the chance to listen, but whats the alternative to such a demand for energy when your in the situation of high industrial output with little natural resources?

  2. They reported that they've gone back to using more coal and imported fossil fuels. The Germans are also mothballing their nuclear stations, and in there case, more solar. I assume the Japanese will go green, too. The documentary poses interesting "what if?" questions. One was, what if the wind had been blowing towards Tokyo instead of out towards the Pacific. The cost of abandoning vast areas of the country needs to be factored into their cost assessment. Likewise, the cost of protecting middle-east oil resources needs to be factored into the cost of gasoline.

    You should watch the documentary if you get a chance.
