Monday, June 14, 2010

Apple's Walled Garden

Apple is working to make their version of the internet snowy white. Their latest target is James Joyce's often censored work, Ulysses.

Here is Slashdot's

The "Mother, may I" saga continues. I don't think Apple has thought this through. Apple appointing themselves top censor is an echo to 1984 and "Big Brother is watching." That's a PR nightmare.

More practically, the job of censor is not easy, either. Could Apple be found liable if someone's delicate sensibilities are offended by some "approved" content? It's a slippery slope when someone sets themselves up as the be-all, end-all censor. It looks like excellent fodder for a lawsuit against Apple.

  1. Find "approved" content that is "offensive." Shouldn't be hard.
  2. Find a lawyer to take case on contingency. Shouldn't be hard- Apple has deep pockets.
  3. Profit!!!

A better answer to Apple's walled garden is to warn the user:

  • "buyer beware!"
  • "It's a jungle out there."
  • etc.

I think it's almost impossible not to offend anyone. First of all, some people are easily offended. This leads to a least-common-denominator that all content has to be fit for a preschooler, etc.

p.s. The Atlantic discusses Apple's walled garden view here.

Update 2010-06-16 : Apple reverses its decision.

  • Developer: Mother, may I post my Ulysses comic?
  • Apple: You may not! Wait, yes you may.

I'm just waiting for the moral police's knee jerk reaction,

"Look, there's a drawing of a penis! I'm outraged! I was counting on you protecting me from anything offensive. You'll be hearing from our lawyers!

Here is Slashdot's

This comment definitely earned its "Score:4, Funny" rating.

p.s. By the way, the New York Times discusses Ulysses being used by ATT in the 1950's to broaden the liberal arts education of their top managers. Most of the targeted audience had come to work with ATT via their background in engineering and other technical disciplines. Ulysses was the capstone to the program given at U Penn.

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